Hello there!
Picture this: You've spent countless hours researching, compiling data, and crafting the perfect grant proposal. But there's one final hurdle to conquer – the Executive Summary.
Now, I've been in the grant writing business for some time, and let me tell you, the executive summary is like the cover of a book. It might not be fair, but people do judge books by their covers, and they judge proposals by their executive summaries. Let’s make yours a bestseller.
Understand the Purpose
First and foremost, understand that your executive summary is the advertisement for your proposal. It's the condensed version of your work, designed to capture interest and persuade the reader that the rest of the proposal is worth delving into. If the executive summary isn’t engaging, the rest might not even get a look.
Start with a Hook
Remember that conversational story I started with? That’s your hook. Start your summary with a compelling sentence or two that grabs the reader's attention. Whether…